Tuesday, October 1, 2013

So this time around we made paper prototypes for our class so we could learn how to construct a game. While I could have made a board game just to fulfill the requirement for the assignment, I wanted to see if I could use an idea I have for a video game mechanic and see how that would pan out. It would be the battle mechanic for an RPG.

I printed out a simple hex grid and some character tokens. Red are the enemies, blue and pink are the player characters. It is a one player game with the player controlling as their choice of character and a "cpu" (me) controlling the enemies, with the goal of the player destroying the enemies. The two playable characters have their own stats: pink moves and attacks at faster speeds, and blue has the ability to attack multiple enemies at a time. What I was trying to achieve was a sort of real time battle system, but since you can't really do real time moving paper tokens around, I broke rounds of battle down into individual "beats," and it would take multiple beats to execute an attack or move one hexagon. Everyone's actions would play out simultaneously rather than in a particular order, with one character performing their actions first before another can. I would keep track of everyone's actions on a spreadsheet since it would take multiple beats to perform actions, which while tedious, would probably be along the lines of how a video game would process code, so its an important mechanic to have. I had to determine what could be performed each beat (you cannot attack and move in overlapping beats, one action must be completed before starting another. However each of those actions can be accompanied by a 60 degree rotation; characters must face opponent to attack) and also what happens when actions happen at the same time (if two characters connect strikes at the same time, damage done by player supersedes enemy damage, and enemy attack null. Also if one characters attack connects the same beat the target moves to a different hex, damage delt is 50/50)

My first play session was a few weeks ago in class. Sorry if I got your name wrong, but I think I played against Justin(edit: okay his name was Devin... or Kevin(edit: okay it was Justin, sorry)). I had the basic mechanics of moving and attacking down, but didn't balance out the stats or any other mechanics. Basically with no choices but to move to your opponent and attack over and over again, the game was pretty boring.
My next session was Sunday, with my brother Matt. I added the two different playable characters, rotation mechanic, and balanced out the stats for each character. I also tested combat with multiple enemies. This session was mostly on the pink character, as the blue was a little too complex. This was also when I determined the simultaneous attack rules and also that I should record all the actions that occur (thanks for the suggestion Matt).
Finally I got in my last session. Actually I had two, before class I had Morgan (not my teacher, but one of my classmates) play a game with me, reaffirming the need to record all actions as I had lost track of everyone's moves. During class, I played against Desiree, and she played as the blue character, and helped me fine tune his different attacks(I had to determine special rotation rules for one of his attacks). Using a spreadsheet to track everyone's actions, playing was a breeze, and we got through 2 successful encounters.
So now I have a more clear understanding of how the game would turn out. While it would be different as an actual program, I can take the principles from this game and expand on them (beats in the video game would each be a fraction of a second, for example, and character speeds can be more precise) I don't really know how to program, but I think I can at least organize and consider what I need to program for a game. -Zach

Edit: Okay so I'm supposed to post the rules so you could play:

Goal: Player kills enemy
players: 1 (enemies controlled by “cpu”)
keep track of each beat and each move.
player chooses character (pink/blue)

pink: 20 hp
attack: 15 damage
thrust, 2 beats, 15 damage
1 hex per beat

blue: 25 Hp
2 attacks:
side swing: 3 hexes in front, 4 beats
ready swing-> impact 1 (5 damage)-> impact 2 (4 damage)-> impact 3 (3 damage)
overhead swing, 1 hex, 3 beats
ready swing-> impact (10 damage)-> follow through (5 damage)
1 hex per 3 beats

hp 15
attack: lunge 3 beats
ready jump-> lunge (move forward 1 square)-> impact (3 damage)
1 hex 2 beats

Simultaneous impact: player overrules enemy
enemy moves as player strikes or vice versa- 50/50 chance (flip coin)
rotation: matches move speed, can move and rotate one 60 degree section in one beat, or rotate and attack in one beat.

 Hopefully this makes sense, along with what I posted before.

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